Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Family...

Revising for my exam, there are some pretty cool sociological observations out there.
Erring on the psychological side though, here's a concept by Dr R.D. Laing thati find rather creepy.
So we are a happy family and we have no
secrets from one another
If we are unhappy/we have to keep it a secret/
and we are unhappy that we have to keep it a secret
and unhappy that we have to keep secret/thefact/that we have to keep it a secret
and that we are keeping all that secret.
But since we are a happy family you can see
this difficulty does not arise.
Not spooky? I think the idea of a happy family exterior hiding a sinister secret interior is quite true in many cases. Stepford Wives anyone?
Anyway, Laing was researching the causes of schizophrenia and it points a lot to childhood and upbringing. Don't push something you're not. There's a little dysfunctional family in us all...


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