Saturday, May 26, 2007


As is customary with all exam periods, there must be a time when one falls sick.
Yes, the itchy throat, the throbbing headache, the fuzzy eyes (there's no other description!), the drippy nose and the scratchy cough.Yup, the bug has struck. I don't know what bug just yet, but it's struck anyway.
Dammit. And i have a load of work to do, too.

In the ultimate show of procrastination, this is what a flu virus looks like in 3D. i know what you're thinking, kinda funky purple eh?

Here's to vitamin C, honey lemon tea and lots of fluids doing the trick. And i suppose a good night's sleep tucked up in my warm blankets wouldn't be too bad too.

I think i caught a chill at CC's party, but it was fun! Pictionary on tiny magnetic boards is a stroke of genius. Bring's out the E-grade artist in everyone! Plus, in a room full of bimbos, lots of dumb things are bound to happen. It's been a while since we all got together so i enjoyed it a lot. *Sigh* I miss 301. But i'm glad we can still hang out.
because i'm not allowed to post other pictures...

Damien posted them anyway


Anonymous said...

hope u r feeling better...
i think we should play more pictionary and practice our telepathic skills...hehehe...
get well soon!!!

Anonymous said...

So poor thing dear! Drink lots of water yah!! Who say you cannot put up other pictures!! ehehe... Anyways, I miss 301 too.... With all the games and Bang! Do it again one day! MUAX!


Daniel said...

omg. I'm feeling sick too.

i think somebody infected us during CC's birthday!

Jeannie said...

well, i'm not feeling too too bad lah.
just nose sumbat a bit. i will survive!
yeah, miss the games. =)