Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A moon's worth of mumblings

Alright, I'm sorry.
If my blog were a child, I wouldn't blame you for thinking it was an orphan.
Anyway, I'm (sort of) back! There really hasn't been that much to update on.
What have I been doing?

  • Rediscovering books. Thank you book sales. =) And Da bian. I liked 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time'. =) Insightful read.
  • Sketching out ideas for decorating the new house. My new room is going to be some sort of cross between hippie and Moroccan harem. Always a good combination. :S
  • Becoming a family driver. Anywhere. I will drive. And as a consequence i've become a pretty aggressive driver. In a good-for-KL way.
  • Going to the gym. Not so regularly. Not so unregularly. I ache occassionally so I take it as a good sign. And I'm trying to go for weekly badminton. Also a good sort of pain.
  • I got a job! Big yay! I'm not one of the 'unemployed youth' that keeps getting talked about. Work starts Monday so more about that as I go along.
  • And... the big unveiling!
Jeannie from this morning says *gasp* (and she's wearing clothes)

Haha.. well.. I was talking about it for a while and I needed some excitement in my life so I chopped off my hair. Chopped. I was a bit disappointed cos it wasn't a mountain of hair on the salon floor so I didn't snap a picture of it. And it kinda looks like me with my hair tied. But yeah. It's shorter, dries faster and is great for Msian weather!
Secretly Veron, it's an ode to you.

So yeah, you're all up to date with my life. In a nutshell.
I apologise for the absence but there was just nothing interesting to tell.
But nothing works better at revamping a blog than having routine to procrastinate from! So yeah, watch this space.