Sunday, June 18, 2006

Bon Voyage...

it's a dedication post..
i guess at uni you should be used to seeing people come and go, but the sadness that clenches your heart whenever you see people leaving hardly lessens. maybe just me, sentimental fool, but i get this way watching other people reminisce. i think i feel worse for them thinking that things will change after they leave.
haha.. attachment is a funny thing. anywayz, pictures up to keep them in mind. =P
Bye bye Chandy!
Bye bye Raymond!
shtoopid med kids have to do ams... means they go away for a year... *snort*
Bye bye James Martin!Bye bye Megan and Ann!
Bye bye Megan (again) and Rachel!

you exchange people have no right coming here for such a short while, teaching me things like the cookie song and then leaving again. =(

oh well, life is about coming and going... like the Stereophonics once said...

You got to go there to come back

Miss you guys already. Take care, big *HuGz* and toodles...

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