The Japanese land shines with a golden light, and for that reason the country is the most excellent in the world and its people are the most excellent people. The Japanese are golden people. What are golden people? They are people who are neither white people nor brown people nor black people, but are a special race who live only in East Asia. However, the golden people of East Asia are not all the same. Among them are the True Golden People (Hon Ojin) and the Quasi- Golden people (Jun Ojin). The Japanese are True Golden People and the Chinese are Quasi-Golden People. Why are the Japanese True Golden People? It is because they are people who live directly under the shining golden light of the Heavenly (or Imperial) Way (Tendo).
Yay! One of my favourite Malaysian artistes, Reza Salleh, has been AMPed.. i don't really know what that means except that you can find him on this site and listen to his music! i really like it - and if you're curious, need to procrastinate with your studies and find out more about the malaysian music scene - check it out! Alternately, search for his For Her video on YouTube or on my blog... Still my fave song! Oh, and while i'm on the topic of Malaysian music - keep your eye out for The Keepers Arms. ^_^ They rock! and not just cos i know them too... =P well, maybe a little bit...
As is customary with all exam periods, there must be a time when one falls sick. Yes, the itchy throat, the throbbing headache, the fuzzy eyes (there's no other description!), the drippy nose and the scratchy cough.Yup, the bug has struck. I don't know what bug just yet, but it's struck anyway.
Dammit. And i have a load of work to do, too.
In the ultimate show of procrastination, this is what a flu virus looks like in 3D. i know what you're thinking, kinda funky purple eh?
Here's to vitamin C, honey lemon tea and lots of fluids doing the trick. And i suppose a good night's sleep tucked up in my warm blankets wouldn't be too bad too.
I think i caught a chill at CC's party, but it was fun! Pictionary on tiny magnetic boards is a stroke of genius. Bring's out the E-grade artist in everyone! Plus, in a room full of bimbos, lots of dumb things are bound to happen. It's been a while since we all got together so i enjoyed it a lot. *Sigh* I miss 301. But i'm glad we can still hang out.
I'm reminded time and time again that i have very few friends. I know a lot of people, but i have very few friends. Not those that don't talk behind your back. Not those that you can tell absolutely anything to. Not those that you can spend time with unquestioned. I wasn't born yesterday, guys. I'm not strong enough without support. And i hope you're happy that i'm pushing another friend away.
Yeah, remember e-cards? those things you used to send at back when they were good and free... Well, now every card company seems to have become crap and upmarketed itself. But you know that you can always count on someecards to be good and free forever (we hope). I love this site. Smart enough to get to the point. And for every occassion too.
New Baby... Mother's Day...Encouragement... Get Well Soon...For People at Work... There's definitely something for everyone!
And especially for those who think i may have forgotten you...
Here's a poem that every woman (well, maybe every man too) who plans to live a long and healthy life should know:
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves and satin sandals and say we've no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick the flowers in other people's gardens And learn to spit. You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat And eat three pounds of sausages at a go Or only bread and pickles for a week. And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes. But now we must have clothes that keep us dry And pay our rent and not swear in the street And set a good example for the children. We must have friends to dinner and read the papers. But maybe I ought to practice a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
- Jenny Joseph
Everyone sees my inspiration now eh? Well, apart from that, when we are old, we must keep up with the times, no? I may still be blogging (if we haven't already moved on to cybercasting our thoughts or something) at the ripe old age of 70. How glorious.
Just like this dignified old lady (i promise you it's worth clicking on) living her life the way she wants.
Furthermore, being older doesn't mean that you can't harness your talents to make a business. Like this woman, for example - receiving such acclaim as to have appeared on Rove and to have multiple CDs released. Sample her talents, singing such hits as Highway to Hell , Phantom of the Opera and Dancing Queen.
So there, inspiration for those who are afraid of growing older. Remember to age gracefully!
The authors of a new book, "An Introduction to Planetary Defense" are serious when they say that
"The probability really is there that aliens exist and are old enough to have technology to enable them to come here."
Quacks that watched too much Star Trek and Alien movies maybe? Actually, both authors have advanced degrees in astronomy and physics and have done consulting work for NASA. (-_-") After intense calculations, they reckon that there are thousands of intelligent alien species in our Milky Way, and there is a 'high probability' that we're visited by one or two every century. And what have they concluded from this speculation?
Failure to prepare may mean mankind will have to dig in and fight with improvised weapons and hit-and-run tactics, much the same way Islamic extremists have battled the U.S. military in Iraq.
Oh look, it sounds like America ran out of places to bomb. Let's form a defense plan for the entire universe instead. On the other hand, maybe if we have to build defenses against some common enemy, we'll stop fighting amongst ourselves. Maybe, oh maybe. p.s: seen the new episode of Heroes? Spoooky....
Revising for my exam, there are some pretty cool sociological observations out there. Erring on the psychological side though, here's a concept by Dr R.D. Laing thati find rather creepy.
So we are a happy family and we have no secrets from one another If we are unhappy/we have to keep it a secret/ and we are unhappy that we have to keep it a secret and unhappy that we have to keep secret/thefact/that we have to keep it a secret and that we are keeping all that secret. But since we are a happy family you can see this difficulty does not arise.
Not spooky? I think the idea of a happy family exterior hiding a sinister secret interior is quite true in many cases. Stepford Wives anyone? Anyway, Laing was researching the causes of schizophrenia and it points a lot to childhood and upbringing. Don't push something you're not. There's a little dysfunctional family in us all...
What're you doing over the weekend? Nothing... Watch Eurovision, mate!
The awesome thing about my EU class (aside from the 50% essay done in 4 days which i got a H2B in - ok ok lah) is that it feels like i'm still 'revising' for it while watching Eurovision. The epitome of European cheesiness and the birthplace of Abba and Lordi (google it if you're curious), indeed it's not given enough credit. So, long story short, Da Da reminded me that Eurovisionw as on so i caught about half of the qualifying round, and i think i've developed a somewhat Euro fetish. Gosh, it makes me nostalgic and reminiscent about sitting in my warm PJs in the London flat watching crappy English TV with my mummy. (and it's just as cold in Melbourne right now too - down to single digit temperatures!)
Coming back to Eurovision... After you sift through the Ricky Martin wannabes, transvestite lead singers, funny English accented repetitions of the same phrase 40 times in a song ['shake it up, shack it in!' 'can you feel the love power coming your way?'], scantily clad dancers and juvenile punk bands, there are a few diamonds in the rough (in my opinion anyway). I got so excited i YouTubed them. Plus, Eddie felt guilty for using up my quota and bought me enough to feel i can waste some of it. Below, my 3 favourites - Germany, Latvia and Hungary! Ahem.. of which all are in the semi-finals. Impeccable taste, naturally.
Roger Cicero singing Frauen Regier'n Die Welt (Germany)
Bonaparti lv. singing Questa Notte (Latvia)
Magdi Ruzsa singing Unsubstantial Blues (Germany)
Euro fetish! Oddly enough, Eurovision makes me even keener on the idea of completing a postgrad in a European country. Life takes unexpected turns...
p.s: i would be really chuffed if someone could tell me what Roger Cicero is singing about. Personally, a sexy, deep jazzy voice in a foreign language has me sold...
Yay! The world is a better place! The Massachussets Institute of Technology is developing a $176 laptop that it plans to sell to governments to give poor children all around the world! It's really quite cool because it runs on way less energy than a normal laptop. In fact, it has a string pulley system to recharge its battery. 1 minute of turning the pulley will provide 10 minutes of battery time. CoOL! Plus it comes with a digital video camera AND wireless connection. Doesn't sound $176 hor? Microsoft are trying to jump on the boat by developing a simple version of Windows XP and Office but it's yet to be seen whether the computer, the XO, can handle the software. Exciting times though! Children all around the world could benefit from the kind people at the Massachussets Institute. When you're rolling in the dough next time, spare a thought. You could save on that expensive gourmet meal and get someone a laptop that could enrich their future.
That's ridiculous... i just watched the replay of the penalty shootout online. i knew full well that we won. i knew full well who kicked and who missed. But watching it left me at the edge of my seat. I actually have a tingling feeling all over my body and i'm still squealing with ecstasy after closing the window. Being a fan fulfils your deepest fears and your greatest highs.
hippie at heart~ confused about where my degree will take me~ have an addiction to my friends~ close to my family~ love food (obviously)~ must have music~ penchant for dogs and cuddly things~ like saying Eeeee and other cutesy exclamations (well, they're cute to me)