Saturday, February 03, 2007

Sometimes the clouds cover the sun... but not all cloudy days are bad?

Under this national raincloud
I'm getting soaked to the skin
Trying to find my umbrella
But i dunno where to begin

Cos i'm under the weather...
~KT Tunstall~

This is the part where Kee Hong swoops in asking "Soo.... what's up lah?"
And i say "Not really over him yet also."
Enough said?

The holiday's nearly over. 1 week left in Malaysia.
I feel like i haven't spent enough time with my parents. But actually, 2 trips and many hours at home later, i think i have.
I feel like i haven't seen my Stella friends enough. But 1 missed Phuket trip and various sessions out on Thursday nights later, we haven't done too badly.
I feel like i haven't seen my IH friends enough. But i see more than enough of them in Melbourne.
I feel like I've wasted one holiday doing nothing. Most days, yeah.
I feel like I've still got so much to do. *sigh* isn't it always like that though?
I feel like I don't know what to do with my life. 6 career changes (or imagined ones) in 1 month later and yeah, i think i'm pretty spot on.

Dissatisfied, unfulfilled and lonely.
Maybe it's just the beer talking.


Cleverkiwibird said...

unfulfilled ? u need some action..

Jeannie said...

haha... what do you mean by action?