Thursday, November 08, 2007

MFB conference - recap

Oh my, I have succumbed to the end-of-year assignment bug (not the icky sicky kind), taking me down and neglecting my blog! One report down (for the MFB nonetheless), a dying down of the IH biohazard fiasco (but maybe for another day) and fully sobered up from a day at the Melbourne Cup, i will try and give enough attention to all these events that tired me out in the last week.
So here's instalment one - the Metropolitan Fire Brigade Diversity in Emergency Services Conference!
If you haven't figured out, i've been working at the MFB for the past 3 months and Jo and I got to attend!
It was held in the MCG at the members only area which was very very cool.
Man, i wish i could watch a match there. that would've been AWESOME. look what prime seats they are! And it's also just cool being able to walk around an empty stadium. (Melbourne - sports capital of the world!)

Jo and I pretending we know what we're doing

The view from the member's room. too awesome!

Outside when we went to get coffee
Kathy! The nicest person to work with (will order stationery for you)
Cam whoring at the 'G'

Just a nice shot

On the boat! (dinner cruise) I think i made it look nicer than it is

Jo, Dalal (our supervisor) and me.
2 of the fire fighters- Peter and Frank. Such nice people! The acoustic set in the boat.. they're pretty good!

View from the boat. nice!
Them singers again...

One more shot of the bridge. Things so pretty lit up!

Righty-o. It was nice! Lots of people attended the conference who actually cared about whether there was diversity in the workforce. It's like other conferences i've attended, you're so hyped up about that for a day and you think hell yeah i can do something. But so easy to forget that and just go back to normal right after.
Ah well. It was nice feeling a part of the MFB. with my tag and cert of participation and everything!
*phew* just for the pictures this post. back to work (and dinner!)

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