Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Inescapable Fate...

This third voice was rather more prim than the first two. The owner of a voice like that would be the sort of person who, before making a plastic model kit, would not only separate and count all the parts before commencing, as per the instructions, but also paint the bits that needed painting first and leave them to dry properly prior to construction. All that separated this voice from chartered accountancy was a matter of time.
~ Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
p. 81 of Good Omens

Image from here

Heehee... I'm sorry my dear commerce friends. (Yes Tishy Poo, this means you) The funny thing is i read this quote out and before i finished my brother was saying 'Hey, that's me!' And then i said chartered accountant and he scowled while my mum let out a good chuckle.

Alright, I shall be the one to say it.
Genius. Pratchett and Gaiman is thy name.
And i am thoroughly enjoying reading Good Omens by the pair of them.


tish said...

I know that voice :P

Gotta say that we accountants/auditors get quite a lot of unjustified bad press despite performing such vital work (we fight crime i tellya)

Jeannie said...

yeah... reducing your taxes, one form at a time!!
As much as there is that stereotype, you fellas are pretty cool - being liverpool fans and liking the fratellis and what not.
You know deep down inside i do love you tishy poo.
*snigger* =)