Friday, July 11, 2008

Endangered Species: MEN

So this article states that men may become an extinct species in the future.

Recent studies have shown that men can be redundant in the reproductive process (did you know the penis is just an oversized clitoris?) and, if we really wanted to, we could do away with them once the technology to alter skin cells and other bodily cells into sperm (eeewww...) is perfected.

Picture kindly commandeered from the page containing the article. Thanks to The Age!

So if you're gonna have a kid, try and aim for a female. Why? Because boys may become obsolete! With our capacity to breastfeed and shoot whole humans out of our nether regions, women just seem to be better equipped for this going-it-out-on-our-own thing!

Well, that's all well and good. (a little like the movie Children of Men, which one must watch as a fan of the extremely hunky Clive Owen. Maybe i should start a Clive Owen for James Bond petition)

Personally though, i see more than a few incentives to keeping the men around. Gawd, who would change the lightbulbs and tune up the car motors?
Hahaha.. Oh. And sex. ;)

To the women, love your man but don't worry if he leaves you because biologically he's useless. (soon)

To the men, i hope you appreciate that we still love you although you're redundant. =)

And it's our God-forsaken right to be love, loved, love, loved, love.

~Jason Mraz, I'm Yours

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