Monday, April 06, 2009

sexay misconduct

Real Life HappoSai!!

Okay, both snigger and eeewww at the news that in Sabah (shame shame.. hometown) , a PANTY-THIEF was arrested!

He took about 70 pairs and particularly took a shine to those of nursing students in an apartment.

Which reminds me of Ranma 1/2 (which i did use to watch) and the underwear stealing dirty old grandpa in the series. Hehehe...

Well, it could be love...

In other sexy news, I totally love this article in the BBC. It starts off with disgraced UK Home Secretary's husband and his 'charge-my-porn-expenses-on-taxpayers'-money' ways. Which most people are unhappy about, by the way. (Think of the endless possibilities if it was okayed! - work related expenses = strip clubs for emotional stability, porno for visual stimulation to kickstart idea generation...)

Anyway, writer then goes on to say that FOR THE SAKE OF RESEARCH, he has checked out porn at most hotels he's stayed at and concluded that, *drumroll please*

Porn is to keep one's mind off sex when one's partner is absent

Hehe.. He makes pretty good arguments though:

1) Porno actors have zilch personality therefore not erotic

2) Well groomed areas and harsh lighting = clinical therefore not erotic

3) Brainless storyline = not erotic (apparently)

OKay, then he goes all mushy like:

Because there is only one secret about sex, and that is that it's a feeling, and you can't see feeling.

But you can see porno for entertainment pleasure! Personally, i don't think erotic movies are a bad thing. I KNOW noone will believe me when i say i don't watch any, but you know, whatever floats your boat, right?

Some people like watching other people doing it (and yeah, you do get that little bit gigglier when Animal Planet shows something naughty.. i do at least!) and it's probably a good education medium. (Think of the ALTERNATE physical education).

But be smart in your visual stimulation ways and, given the chance, Don't charge your porn-related expenses to the public. People aren't happy about it unless they get off too.


Daniel said...

Interesting first attempt at erotic literature.

Jeannie said...

too mild. I can do better than that!
It was a dissection of someone else's literature =P
