Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Rich, Famous and 7 Years Old

it's like the world just wants to tell me i'm outdated now. I was going through the papers, and apparently, a survey done on kids aged 7 to 11 found that when asked about their dreams in life, they said:
1) to be rich
2) to be famous
and then all the usual stuff about pursuing sport, or animals, etc.
oh dear. is this just the youth of today, or was there something different put into my milk bottle all those years ago? Then again, Kids say the Darndest things. Many years ago my brother wanted to be an accountant so that he could count money all day. Now, he's in advertising.
Me, i wanted to be a vet. And i said i would NEVER EVER go into politics, it's full of liars.
Haha. Well, life takes funny turns.
Apart from that, the survey also found that kids thought Wayne Rooney was more influential than Jesus.
Go figure.

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