Monday, February 27, 2006

O-week O-ver

it's over.
one week of madness. friendships made. friendships strengthened. limits found. limits pushed. values learned. values practised. values thrown out the door. so surreal. so alive. so memorable. so relieved. so tired. so spontaneous. so planned. so proud. so grateful. so missed already.
this is post o week at 1.40 am with an impending 9.30 am lecture.
i loved every moment.
i love the people. freshers. seniors. ih-ers.
thank you for teaching me. thank you for learning from me. thank you for making me feel special. thank you for feeling that you are special in our home.
O week 2006. Pumped.
Special mention to the o weekers. thank you for 16 new best friends. =D
photos in time. but for now, rest.

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