Monday, September 11, 2006

End of an Era...

So the AGM's over. All the politics of elections are done with and there's no more anticipating and speculating about what next year's student club will be. One regret? we forgot to set up the election betting pool. One thing i'm glad i forgot? Setting up the betting pool.
Haha... i'm being contradictory.
It was quite an unexpected outcome (for me anyway, which shows my gambling prowess... or lack of)
It's sort of like the transition from feeling like a fresher to being a senior... except that's in a space of months and this rushes at you all in one AGM.
Can you believe that I am the most senior experienced Student Club member? And 6 months ago i came in raw and bumbling about what to do (and how to start a meeting)
it's funny how the tables have turned in a matter of minutes. It's never fun to be the one that has to actually know stuff.
In hindsight, i sort of wish i ran for the top spot. I think i could've handled it. The turning point? Ironically, it was the questioning of my competence. I think there comes a point in your life when you realise that some things (or people) have just stopped fazing you - and that's when you know, or you hope anyway, that you've reached a new level. Epiphany that came too late. But then again, maybe the AO job will tire me out enough. It's just that the spot at the top sounds better eh? Thanks all the same though, you've made me find another part of myself.
It was a draining AGM, emotionally more than anything else, and sad, because it ended on that note. But the best times were had, and the new club will be a new challenge and new experience. I wish I could tell everyone that things work out somehow. The ones who missed out, the ones who are there, the ones who are shitting their pants at the daunting thought of what's coming. Every exit is just the entrance into another room - and sometimes being able to see everything in the room is scarier than just groping in the dark.
The next year will be.... interesting, to say the least. But what is life without a bit of spice?

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