Monday, September 18, 2006

Soccer Bonding

2nd Day of Holidays!
Seems pretty full of soccer. Liverpool lost but i think it was good that they were making a few good chances. Oh well, we conceded a really good goal (seriously.. not just the loser talking!) so i salute drogba. But i wish we'd won.
Then the Chelsea fans wouldn't be so much like their coach.
Man Utd and Arsenal was a good match to watch to. I supported dad's team. But the Man U fans were outnumbering the Arses anyway. And it's good to see good play rewarded.
Nothing much to say 'cos soccer doesn't affect me as much as it does some other people. =P
But i want this jersey....Aside from that, mangoes are kinda expensive (but nearly half price in vic mart as compared to a supermarket), bananas are slowly getting cheaper (only $8 a kilo as compared to $12 a month ago) and if you go to vic mart at 4 pm on saturday you can get lots of veggies for $1 a bag...
yay yay! i love these laid back days!

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