Sunday, September 10, 2006

Times a Changing

It's hours before the next AGM.
Change is coming! Don't realise how sad it is though 'til you hear someone say "Last day of being president!" (to someone else of course) and to make it a bit more emo, the forrest gump theme song comes on my itunes. Thanks.
I can't imagine it though. The seniors we had are valedicting this year. Pat, Kimy, Sarah, Buckley, Louby... they won't be around next year =( ~insert tears here~
It's like.. the end of an era. And the next student club is even more depressing. Why? 'Cos so many people are running uncontested! What happened to the IH spirit? Why doesn't anyone want to contribute anymore? Last year there were at least 2 candidates per post (and that's not counting those that trickled down from the top) but at least it showed that there were people with passion and enthusiasm. This year, people aren't fighting for it. It's not like a big honour to be on student club. Wanna be on? Easy, just put your nomination in. There's probably noone else running for it anyway.
Well, I guess it's the same as any other situation when you suddenly find yourself at the top of the ladder. You wonder how you ever got there and why your seniors were so much more competent than you.
It all works out alright in the end, right?

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