Friday, July 27, 2007

Technology and its Downfalls

This blog has been too quiet for too long. My apologies, what with first week of uni, CIA week in college and first week of my internship, it's been a bit hectic. So, time for something controversial and.... i suppose, quirky.

Why Flat Screen TVs Are Ultimately Detrimental to Society

Have you ever thought, why exactly do we need flat screen TVs? In one of my lectures, we were told to be skeptical of technology. We hardly question, but WHY do we need technology and WHAT problems will using it cause?
So, i decided to examine the flat screen TV.

1) It potentially causes sight problems. Maybe.

2) It reduces packaging - which is bad! I see some people shaking their heads going 'but this is better for the environment, no?' OF COURSE NOT!
You see, with everything becoming smaller and more compact, boxes are becoming smaller and this is certainly unfriendly for the local homeless man down the street. Where once a TV box or a refrigerator box could be large enough for a home, now flat screen TVs make it difficult to squeeze in! Even supercomputers are in smaller and smaller sizes - you certainly can't seek shelter in a PDA box now, can you?
3) There's less of those fluffy foam thingys inside the box. WHAT!?? Those were so fun to play with. It was like confetti. That you could choke on. Yummy!

4) Finally, why are we going for flatter anyway? Isn't that reducing the 3D effect of it all? We're going more 2D, no? Oh well... i'll never understand technology. But we are really reliant on it, aren't we? This Youtube video shown in lecture is testament to that. This promises to be an interesting class.

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