Friday, February 22, 2008

At a point in my life...

This would most aptly describe where I am at now.
A delayed decision from months ago.

Friends pulling on one side.
Tanah airku on another.

Plus the sinking feeling that things don't generally tend to get better. No wonder people always look back fondly on their uni days.

Those with insight are more than welcome to offer guidance.
It's a bit hard to drive when you don't have a roadmap...


Anonymous said...

Choose the path you'll regret less.

Soliloquy said...

Hi dear, do what your heart desires most :) there's only so few who dares take that step. Not what you think you should do but what you really really wanna do !

Jeannie said...

what's ironic is that you never know if you'll regret it until you do (or don't).
still a gamble lah.

What i really really wanna do? Unfortunately no money to travel the world yet. :( Let's try Discovery Channel host? or Asian Food Channel. nyam nyam nyam.

Right now, super excited about going back to Melb for a bit! I miss you all so much!