Friday, March 16, 2007

Reeeeee..... jected

Dear Jeannie

Thank you for your recent letter of application for a position with The Boston Consulting Group.

As you may be aware, we have received an overwhelming number of applications for our graduate recruiting program. We have carefully considered your abilities, experience and fit with our requirements and while we were impressed with your application, we have decided not to proceed further.

We appreciate your interest in our firm and wish you all the very best in your search for a challenging position.

Wahsai, first job rejection ever. First of many you think? BCG still sounds like a great place to work. Am a little consoled that Regine mentioned they only narrow the hundeeds of applications to 50 for interviews. Can't really compete with the Eng, Com, and double degree students.

It was worth a shot. At least I'll always have my backup

Now i really want my laksa king. =)


Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad dear. We both know that you got talents. Its just a matter of time. They might seem perfect working place for you, but they think otherwise. If you are good at what you do, people will offer you something.

Like myself, I'm good with all this computer stuff and now working with McAfee. Recently, I got an offer from Google. However, I think I'm going to reject the offer.

Anyhow, best of luck for your other work applications.

Jeannie said...

google job would be damn cool tho!