Saturday, March 24, 2007

Strike Two

The next dreaded reply arrived - amidst National Night madness and 2 momma-sized antibiotic pills a day- and I think i am getting better at decoding these things.

Thank you for your interest in Bain & Company and for taking the time to submit an application.

With your credentials, you really shouldn't have bothered. All you achieved was giving us x hours more work.

We have received a large number of high quality applications for our graduate program. As a result a decision between well-qualified candidates has been based on relatively small differences in qualifications and experience.

Some of them were heaps better. Not yours.

After very careful consideration, I am writing to advise that we will not be proceeding with your application.

We tossed yours in the bin as soon as we saw you were an Arts student/ non-PR/ undergraduate [replace appropriately]

Unfortunately our process does not support providing further feedback at this level.

Couldn't really give a rat's ass.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Bain and wish you the best of luck for the future.

Haha! Hope you take this shit to our competitors!

What? Bitter? Me? No way... i'll just load myself up on antibiotics! Which also means no drinking while i'm running the party. *sigh* Life likes to challenge me.


chooi chuan yeoh said...

hey girl... If you're not a citizen or is quite, i mean almost impossible to get a job. Because I went to a talk and they mentioned kinda like interviews are only open to residents and citizens of Australia. Not trying to discourage you or anythng..Just tot I would mention it to ya.

Jeannie said...

don't worry i know.
i applied for melbourne, msia and singapore tho. and i called one of the companies before to ask and they said if they want you they'll even help you get your visa. *sigh* but by the looks of it i will be back home after graduation.

Maximilius said...

jeannie dearest,

Janganlah bersedih. Masih ada banyak peluang lagi di merata tempat. Sudahkah kamu periksa laman web pekerjaan? Itu adalah salah satu tempat yang bagus untuk mulakan pencarian kerja. Mungkin saya tidak tahu perasaan kamu kerana saya tidak pernah gagal dalam interview pekerjaan. Walaubagaimana pun, kamu harus berusaha bersungguh - sungguh dan jangan putus asa. Nanti bila kamu pulang, saya akan belanja makan Chillies dan juga belanja minuman keras. Saya rindu sangat akan kamu dan saya pasti kamu akan dapat kerja yang baik tidak lama lagi.

Yeah.. writing that short paragraph took me about 15 mins or so. As you would know malay is not my first language, but what I said up there, I really mean it.

Jeannie said...

About the minuman keras and the Chillies? aweseomeness!
haha.. thanks for caring. and i still hate that you've never been rejected for a job. dammit, i can't even reach the interview stage. =(

Damien Wong said...

chill's already a good thing that u already started hunting for jobs...already a step above others...i wasn't even worried about all these until i realised that i'm actually graduating at the end of this year which means possibility of working next year...damn...working lifE? not sure if im ready for it...but whatever it is..don give up!!

man...reading max abes malay paragraph makes me feel that i've lost my once powerful command of that language!!

Jeannie said...

haha.. yeah man.
malay school i think you're more 'terrer' than us.
but yeah, i gave up applying cos uni caught up already. and i still doubt anyone is interested until i've done my internship (plus if i'm unemployed next march, that means i got more chance of travelling and delaying work!) haha.. we're all in the same boat, don't worry. *HuGz*