Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Time for QuarterLife Concerns

Today, more than most other days, the question of what to do in life has come up.
I guess it's apt, at twenty, to be asking the questions you do when you are a quarter through your life (rough estimation).
The notion of Love has arisen : does it exist in that 'pure' form that we imagined while we drew the crayon stick figures with the perfect house, perfect lawn, perfect apple tree and perfect dog?
Is there a perfect love or do we just make do? And, of course, the most important question: How do you know?
I think some people at sixty still don't have the answers.
The notion of Work came up too: Do we have to follow this invisible path that states you are hardly ever going to be significant in your lives - that we're about as special as the other 6 billion human beings? It's like being another speck of dust on the face of the Earth - insignificant. Did everyone else feel they were born for something greater?
It's not all that bad, right? Sometimes you just feel so helpless in the whole scheme of things.
I also attended a lecture on Global Poverty today. Not only did it make me feel depressed because I am part of a decadent bourgeoisie that is robbing the rest of the world of their right to live, but it makes you feel that so many people should be doing more than they are (myself included)
So, back to the plan I had before i entered university. Why did i choose arts? Because i had a choice between learning something useful and earning money to donate to other people, or i had the choice of learning what the problems were in the hope I could get down into the business of it and make a difference.
Did i make the right choice? Well, I don't think the distinction was so great, i think i could've done something useful and still tried to save the world. But anyway, I should live up to it, have some guts, take a risk, and do what i said i would. After graduation, work for a while to raise money (by a while i mean a few months), buy a plane ticket to a third world country, and get down and dirty with it.
And love can wait. Love after humanity. =)

~completely rambled, i'm so sorry~

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