Monday, July 30, 2007

Once you go Black...

We use so much everyday, it's easy to forget that little things make a difference.
Use less paper - print double-sided.
Switch off the heater - put on an extra jumper.
Turn off the lights - pull the curtains.
If you do that everyday, it's got to add up, right?
Well, I'm guilty of not doing the above too. But when you're aware of it, i think it's a good start.
Like using Blackle, for example. My brother sent me this in the mail. I don't know how true it is, but heck, it's worth a shot, even if it is a gimmick. A black-background search engine which helps save energy (cos white backgrounds use up more). Read about it here.

Do your bit for the world. It's for your children too.


isaac said...

If you're guilty of not doing those things, what about the rest of us. Relatively, I think you're the most environmentally friendly person. See, even your habits have rubbed of on me, and i now have a stack of old papers & cardboards for recycling.

Btw, check out this website ( to see how our indiscriminate use of plastic bags damage our environment. Worldwide, 1 trillion plastic bags a year go into landfills, streams, and oceans.

Anonymous said...

Pretty interesting. Well I guess I'm glad that my blog background is a dark colour. You certainly are an environmentalist. I still remember how you would scold me for littering. I hardly litter nowadays. I just throw the stuff in the car.

Anyhow, some people say.. Once you go black, you never go back. Ask your guy friends. They will agree with me :P

Maximilius Abes

Jeannie said...

i feel guilty when i switch on the heater and use a plastic cup.
but i still do it!
i'm proud of you abes, just make sure you don't junk the car now!

Damien Wong said...

hmmm...maybe i should start turning off my laptop at night when i go to sleep...

Jeannie said...

apparently leaving your tv on standby releases greenhouse gases too.
i thought the ad on tv last year was pretty effective, where they had black balloons coming out of appliances which you thought were off.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, Blackle uses more power than Google does on an LCD monitor. We went ahead and tested it using a watt meter. Please see the video at:

If you want to save the planet, don't use blackle.