Sunday, December 24, 2006

Cicakman, Liverpool and a Small Small World

Yes, i did it.
I watched Cicakman. Despite the numerous warnings of wasting rm 9, i was stubborn and i did it.
I wanted to tell everyone that it was the must-see movie of the year. That if you missed it, you're an ass and you deserve the worst form of misery.
But my better nature won over, and i have to say there were parts of the movie that were painful. Admittedly it wasn't all that bad. Maybe my flailing grasp on the Malay language, particularly that spoken in a Scenario-type pace contributed to it. Oh, and they have no subtitles.
Some parts of the movie were entertaining. The ideas were somewhat original - SOME ideas. Like Cicakman's "kryptonite" (so to speak) being getah, rubber bands for the unacquainted, and the idea of cicak in the first place... how very Malaysian! However, the acting reminded me of early early Steve Martin movies, exaggerated and crude humour, often bordering (and crossing) the treshold of annoyance. The effects were not bad though, and credit to the KRU boys for trying something new. Even if Tish thinks the 1.5 million in the first week were family members of cast and crew, it paid off yeah?
Watch this: if you enjoyed Spongebob Squarepants. i'd still rate this over Napoleon Dynamite. I'm sorry, that movie just killed me.

On a brighter note - Liverpool 2-0! 3rd in the table! i want my jerseeeeyyy!!!

And the world is still incredibly tiny. Went to watch Cicakman with Tish today. Followed up with meeting Eugene just because. And he followed up by taking me and his roommate Vincent to yum cha.
Why is the world so small?
Eugene, Tish and Vincent are all from Garden International. Tish's sister is Eugene and Vincent's good friend. Plus she's a Liverpool and John Mayer fan. it's like a big circle of garden and melbourne and the love of liverpool.
*sigh* connections never cease to amaze me.

Now i just need a connection to some big shot in the immigration department for my passport to Phuket... please?

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