Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Haha.. i just realised how dodgy that title sounds.
in any case, i am feeling a little less uptight and a lot less drug-ridden. antibiotics of course.
and finally, saw friends.. Non-relatives! haha.. it was a form of release... got out of the house!
i often forget how great my friendships are. how stupid we can be. and how fun it is just to hang out, even with little in common in our current lives. Yes, we still reminisce. Yes, it might seem like holding on to some past gone by, but hey, love will keep us together! (sorry, stolen from Captain and Tenille's song)
Anyway, skipping the bits about my night driving, eating yummilicious food in Paris (the local one near ss2) and taking the scenic and beautifully-lighted kl town way home, we went to watch Deja vu in 1U.
i'm not gonna break the plot of the movie to you, as confused as we all ended up (not a movie for brains on a holiday), i thought it apt to reflect on Deja Vu's...
i think i haven't had one for a while, but what i remember, that fleeting moment, when you think that you've been there before. I think i tended to feel a deja vu more in secondary school. Maybe hormones were just racing then. But you could never figure out if it was something you'd dreamt, or seen before, or just grew accustomed to seeing but your mind analysed it a bit differently this time. One explanation I formulated was that the school uniform (which was sometimes what the deja vu moment revolved around) was just something you see day in and day out and you were bound to repeat a gesture or movement, and so it looked familiar enough.
But what about those unusual circumstances where there is NO WAY IN HELL you could've done that before, or been there before, and a certain phrase spoken by someone, an obscure, completely out of nowhere phrase, strikes you as being familiar.
How'd you explain that?
I fancied my theory that, like in some crazy sci fi movie, there would be this random adventure that goes on, and, like the memory scrabbler thing in Men in Black, maybe we'd have to forget everything and come back to the exact moment in time before all the cool stuff happened. And, you'd never know ANYTHING had gone on at all. And maybe then, after that, some of the stuff happens again, and deja vu means you know it.
Or maybe, we all have some sort of psychic intuition which allows us to see just a bit of the future, maybe in our sleep or dreams or subconscious, or whenever you can't ever fully grasp it, and then when it happens, you go.,. THERE! SEE IT! THAT'S WHAT I SAW BEFORE!
Or maybe, we'are like broken record players, our lives going round and round in this loop of reincarnation. And something we've seen in a past life suddenly gets triggered and we think it's familiar.... but that still doesn't explain how exact moments feel familiar huh...
Well, apart from my own confusing musings, this is what Time magazine has to say

in Jeannie's own words:
  • the brain gets muddled when it sees something in the present that so resembles something from the past that it thinks the present is something from the past, triggering the feeling of familiarity.
  • the brain mistimes how it receives outside images, so the first initial split-second sighting is somehow stored as a memory and the next split second you think you've seen it all before.
  • Freud said something about wish fulfilment - where you want something from the past to happen again but with a better outcome. (but i don't really understand this one)
Okay, the gist of it is, as they make it more sciencey, the answers seem to point to the brain being a little miswired and less cool sci-finess being involved. I dunno. It would be pretty cool to have seen it all before in some other dimension or life or time.
But til they figure it out I guess all i have are freak theories. Any other deja vu ideas out there? Would love to hear them... drop a comment! obviously no limit to the outrageousness of thought.

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