Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Where to go and what to do

I'm at the end of first year. Or rather, with the start of 2006, i'm at the beginning of my second year. I'm 1/3 done with my course. (Hopefully with Honours that'll be 1/4 done).
Kee Win's graduated. I've worked for 2 weeks and become highly disillusioned with life after study. The illusion? That one existed. The truth? There's absolutely nothing to look forward to after uni.
It's time to stop and ponder. How do i maximise my student life and what do i do afterwards?
Jeannie's pretty certain she's not going to sit behind a desk for the rest of her life. Jeannie thinks when she starts talking about herself in thrid person, she must be serious.
So, Seriously, i think i have to start deciding what i wanna do with my life. The dream of marrying a rich man -- is still there, but haha.. maybe i should have a plan to fend for myself.
I've talked quite a bit to my parents lately. About how i would NEVER be content working as hard as my oldest brother, especially not at a desk job with numbers.
And my second bro? Hits a little closer to home, being in the creative industry, but his life is, not completely what i'd like. Maybe he doesn't look high enough. In all fairness though, the world's intimidating.
So, where does Jeannie fit in with her siblings? One accountant in a big firm, one graphic designer who's in advertising.
My latest whim? I want to become a travel writer. Bold words for someone who just got her lowest marks in uni in Creative Writing, but writing for assessment's a bitch anyway.
But hey, I don't plan to hold any one job for very long anyway, so that can go along with my list of children writer, copywriter, researcher, humanitarian aid worker, tour guide (?!?!? thanks izy), even animal caretaker. Well, nothing conventional of course.
So maybe while i think of jobs, i should remember my hippy self. A job's just a job. I still wanna live. I still wanna see the world, and meet people, and try new things. haha. If life were so simple. Job satisfaction should be derived from self satisfaction.
Self satisfaction should be derived from knowing that money can't buy happiness, but it sure helps.
This rant - it's about finding your goals. And planning for them. I think i wanna work in Australia for a few years after I graduate, and i'm trying to find out how to go about that. The world may want an Arts student after all.
Oh, i started with the thought of whether i would ever leave Malaysia. It wasn't an option back when i was in England. But you know, i kind of like Melbourne a lot. So, maybe i'll consider staying. Or travelling a lot. Who knows where life will take you?

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