Anyhoos, my flight's been delayed an hour so I have utilised the magic of technology- with my one-earphone ipod session, free wi-fi for blogging and the instant SD card uploading - (and the faint smell of vomit lingering in the air - not me!) decided to bring you, the Mandarin Oriental Wedding Experience! Now in technicolour...
Have no pictures of the church wedding and tea ceremony because I saw the horde of cameras around and couldn't be bothered to bring my own. But here's the night time - what a beautiful ceremony! (worth all that stressing after all )
So... why not recount the tale of my emceeing? Was very relaxed about it, thought hey, can just make it up on the spot. Just welcoming people and introducing who's to talk. At 4.30 pm decide to come over for a mike test and stood there saying 'Good Evening...' and then was speechless. Oh Crap i thought. So, my 2 hour speech writing and I finished it at the reception table as guests were coming in. In the end, i had brilliant cheesy one-liners but they seemed to go a bit unappreciated by the crowd. However, i did get quite a few comments about how good my speaking was and managed to impress some people (maybe even some job offers on the table) Muahaha.. at least i impressed my aunties (who are the hardest to impress anyway)
my flight's boarding. will continue later.. but just for the sake of posting in an airport! =) see the melbournites tomorrow!