Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Beginning of a Long Run....

Woah... 1 open house and a few random cocktails later and I feel like the whole affair is in full swing.
There's no stopping now - wedding at 9.30 am, tea ceremony at 12 pm, rehearsal at 4 pm, dinner at 8 pm (where i am emcee no less!)
Lordy, did i mention I'm flying back to Melbourne 9.30 pm the next day? Okay, a bit of a break but still i reckon i'll be tired!
I thought I had no friends left in KL but it was good catching up with Abes, Rich, Jo Lim and Gigi tonight. Haha... regardless of how long an absence it's been, i can still talk ages with them (see.. some friendships are just low maintenance but no less lasting!) Thanks for coming abes ( i know you read my blog!)
Still, felt a bit anti-social with all the other relatives and friends, but chances are i'll be seeing them at dinner tomorrow anyway and finally it's time to spend some time for myself! Such a relief. I think i can soldier on for the next 2 days now.
I still have no idea what I'm saying tomorrow at the dinner. My brother said, (and i quote) 'Be Yourself'. Oh dear lord - dirty jokes and foot in mouth moments, i think he doesn't really know me quite well enough! Here's hoping that:
1) i can wake up to drive to the church in 7 hours
2) i behave myself and don't say anything too embarrassing
3) i don't get too smashed in the process (which shouldn't really be a problem - i'll be nervous!

Time to get excited about the wedding. (the first one i've been personally invited to!) Will see all you Melbournites soon enough (and i miss you lots and lots)
p.s: for the valedicts, the shirts arrived today! they're a bit loose but i think that's better than tight. and they look awesome! would take a picture but it IS 1 am and i can't be bothered.
Will prolly not blog til sunday or monday so enjoy the end bit of the hols!
(didn't take any pictures tonight - can you believe that! but the food from the caterers was yum yum!)