It annoys the hell out of me knowing that all my friends are together in Melbourne and enjoying themselves. Even if they're not, i'm imagining it. So kiasu!
Is this what it will be like next year?
No, even the good food and cheap shopping is little compensation for the friendless nights.
I think it's time I got a boyfriend (so at least there's someone who can be bored with me, right?)
boyfriends don't just come and go..u have to be patient and wait for the right one..the perfect one!! ohhhh..the idealistic world again!!
boys come and go, but some of them steal your heart and then fly away. so be careful....
the boys so far have stolen and trampled.
it's really a case of how much worse can it be and why normal relationships = not me?
jeannie, we miss u !! not ur food, u!!! cz im on a diet :p hehe.. but yeah miss u, just remembered today, yay jeannie's coming back on monday :)
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