Monday, September 24, 2007

The Ipoh Pre-Wedding Dinner

Because I like to flatter myself thinking that people like to keep up with the goings-on in my life, I am going to put up photos of the last 2 days in Ipoh. A bit of a sore leg (from driving) and too many relatives whose names i have forgotten later, here they are! Photos from the Ipoh pre-wedding dinner!

They say when in Rome, do as the Romans... So, when in Ipoh do as the Ah Lians?

The function room in the afternoon before the whole affair
My brother... the alco. But seriously. A 2 litre bottle of Black Label... (o_o)

Before walking into the function room. (so sweet ya?) too bad my cousin walked through the doors to spoil the shot. haha

Aaaawww... so cute right got big cheesy picture outside?

Me and mummy - alcos too! i managed to end up serving brandy to people as my dad and brother went round toasting the guests. haha.. can't stop serving the alcohol!
Customary champagne-pouring time...
The new family - and my tablemates! (even including them i'm the youngest. Sigh....)
Better picture - her oldest sis, 2nd bro's gf, the bride, Moi and cousin Mike who's getting married next year! *sigh* all these marriageable/married people! i think i have a little while more to go.After dinner and shooing away guests, the leftover relatives head down to the bar (cos they packed up the place). haha.. drunk relatives are highly amusing. and the bar was aptly named 'emergency bar'

The whole affair was pretty good - happy drunk relatives, good food of which i ate very little walking around being a good semi-hostess and finally meeting the rest of the new family. Still dawning on me that we're stuck with them now. haha.. not in a necessarily bad way. But imagine you're away for a while and everything at home's going on like normal. And next thing you know your brother will not be coming home as often, there will be this extra person who's always part of his (and therefore your) life and there's suddenly new family members too! (or am i putting too much importance on the whole in-law relation?)
We shall see... a hectic week ahead what with more dinners, relatives and the wedding itself!
Onward ho with shoe shopping! (wish i had more time...)


Damien Wong said...

in-laws are just for now...a year or two later you won't even remember their names...hehe...

anyway enjoy urself at home *hugz*

Jeannie said...

probably won't ever see them after the wedding.
haha.. his wife also i think i can count the number of times i've seen her on one hand.
damn sad hor? nvm. i'll be the responsible sister who calls the whole family for big dinner next time.
ahaha. you got lots of experience with in-laws meh?