For having 2 big things to organise concurrently (Valedicts and Tassie)
For scheduling National Night this weekend
For having AGM the Sunday after
For leaving my handover documentation to 2 days ago
For not doing my readings even though I could have in the library
For having to wake up in 6 hours so that I can buy the alcohol I never got round to buying
For not getting enough sleep in the last few days
For still wanting to rant about it on my blog
For feeling that this week is going to be a hectic, tiring one (isn't it always though?)
Haha.. the harsh life of an involved student.
What will I do when I am unemployed and friendless?
It will be over soon.. and u soon can have a life outside of IH.. poor girl.. Hugz Hugz
Haha.. a few hours to go before student club is over. I feel sad, relieved and lost also.
Strange hor?
I keep telling myself it's not my problem soon.
But it's going by so fast. Going to graduate soon also, da bian. =(
time ticks on....
Been feeling the same as our graduation day approaches with a seemingly increasing pace. I'm gonna miss all of this, i'll miss uni life, and everything that's good about it. =(
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