Sunday, October 29, 2006

Jeannie Pigs!

Today I went to visit Jo's guinea pig. I never knew little rat-like creatures were that cute. Hamsters are okay, but i still remember that time a cute dwarf panda hamster bit me when i picked it up in the shopping mall. (*#@%^!!*&#) Anyway, she just got little Asterix for her birthday (Sat 28th) from the Kalou gang. Ironically the guinea pig cost a fraction of all the maintenance bits (cage, food, pellets, water dispenser, play stuff...)
Fluffy fluffy - oh so fluffy! Like a... feather duster?
Anyway, i didn't realise that guinea pigs were so small and came in so many different types. However, they all seem to have that same Huh? Me? kind of look to them. Kewt!Maybe i should try to take on that persona during the coming Zoo O-week. Seeing as I am supposed to coordinate everyone and know what I am doing. It would be funny if Jeannie Pig kept going Huh? Me? (well, maybe not that funny when everything falls apart)
A day of feeling hungover and waking up early for O week. I'm sorry to say this but i never realised how white Australia was 'til I stepped out of iH.

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