Friday, October 20, 2006

Kids say the darndest things...

I was bored so i decided to randomly click on a blog. Found this at the top and i think it's awesome.
I don't claim to understand the Bible, but some people who do don't understand it either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Upwards soccer starts tomorrow, and I'll be coaching 2 of our sons on the Stingrays. Looking for pictures to show the kids, and e-mail to the parents, led to your blog. WEIRD about the killer, jumping stingrays...however, I loved Larry's thoughts on having his own room. We have our two older boys in a room with bunk beds, and they've signed up to coach the Stingray offense and defense. Our two younger boys also share a room and they'll be 2 of the 6 Stringray players. Upwards is quite a cool model--they play 4 on 4, with small teams to maximize playing time. 4 on 4, BTW is how many countries train for soccer.

Thanks, Take Care, Respectfully,
In Christ, B