Sunday, October 22, 2006

Waxing Lyrical about Lyrics

You know when you hear songs on the radio, you tend to just sing along, regardless of whether you know the words- and apart from the title, really don't have any idea what the song is about. Not you? Maybe just me then.
Anyway, after watching the World on Fire video, i wondered if the song had any of those connotations at all, so i decided to google the lyrics. I never realised they were so deep. Honestly, if i hadn't seen the video, i wouldn't have thought about it at all.
This is my favourite verse in the whole song:

We part the veil on our killer sun
Stray from the straight line on this short run
The more we take, the less we become
A fortune of one that means less for some

Holy cow. She summed up most of my Politics course in 4 lines. And so poetically too. I had to explain this to a friend, so maybe i'll explain it again. We part the veil on our killer sun - a much nicer way of saying the ozone layer is depleting. Stray from the straight line on this short run - our short lives are going in the wrong directions. The more we take, the less we become - the more we take material things, the less we are in touch with humanity and, scientifically actually, over consumption leads to detrimental health (cancer, diabetes, high cholestrol....) and a fortune of one that means less for some - the rich-poor disparity... one rich guy is holding the money that could feed a few families.
Maybe it's an artsy thing. Maybe noone else cares about it. But really, i wish essays were this straightforward. Screw politics, i should've gone into music. So much more straightforward. And none of these big words that don't really mean much.
Anyhow, am getting quite tuned into the actualy lyrics of songs now. Sarah Mclachlan and John Mayer - lyrical geniuses. clear and simple.

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