Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Phaaaaaaantom of the Opera..... is a Freaky Stalker Dude

The good news is that it's Thursday.
The bad news is that Thursday is barely halfway through the week. Or so it feels like it.
I'm exhausted. And it's more from thinking about how much work I have than actually being stuck in the middle of all of it.
And maybe a touch of sleeplessness.
Did i mention mum's in town?

Anyhoos, watched Phantom of the Opera tonight. It was awesome awesome awesome. The songs are better when you know them, the stage was so elaborate (kudos to the guy who made the lake scene), costumes were so rich an gorgeous, and the cast was brilliant. Especially the Phantom - his voice was so commanding, i was mesmerised. Furthermore, the guy who plays the leng chai was actually tall and leng chai. So there you go. Eye candy to boot.
This is the first musical i've been to where the ENTIRE theatre stood to applaud at the end. Now that's a great musical.

However, my mind has to wander, no? (for i would not be me otherwise)
The Phantom is creepy. He's like the ultimate stalker.
Not that they didn't already hate him in the show, but seriously. Snooping on the girl and whispering things and killing people?
The Phantom in present day would be charged with:
1) Invasion of privacy
2) Sexual harrassment
3) Invasion of property
4) Physical and Psychological Coercion
5) Blackmail
6) Use of threats
7) Murder
8) Kidnapping
9) Squatting
10) Stalking
11) Sabotage
12) Damage to property

Haha.. the arts student trying to do law. Any law students want to add to my list?
But seriously, no matter how great his voice is, i don't think it justifies being that freaky stalker dude.

Right, enough procrastination. Watch Phantom of the Opera if you can and if you haven't. I think it's awesome. I wanna rewatch the movie now too. Cos the hot King Leonidas from 300 is the Phantom. *drool*

wonder if i'd object to him stalking me....

1 comment:

Cleverkiwibird said...

sue him !