Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pixar Exhibition = So Niiiiiice..... =)

Last day of the Pixar exhibition so I finally made my way there with Aaron in tow.
It was one of those things where you keep thinking Yes yes, I'll go to it one day and then the next thing you know it's the last day and you HAVE to go or you'll never get to see it.
I have to say I'm left very impressed.
Anyway, there are a few photos of the exhibition in this article but i thought this charcoal drawing of the shark from Finding Nemo is too too great. Seriously, i've worked with charcoal before - this is so detailed, it's madness!

One of the coolest things there was the Toy Story Zoetrope. What's a zoetrope? The idea is that you take lots of plastic castings of figures in slightly different poses that depict a motion. (sort of like a flip-book). Put them in sequence on a big wheel and spin! The effect isn't there though. You then need a strobe light which basically flashes on and off really quickly. It's kind of like a photo flash. So your eyes will string them together and form one smooth motion. It was awesome cool. As though a 3d cartoon was playing right in front of me.
WAAAAAAH. impressed. Was very tempted to film it but not worth getting thrown out of the place i think. BUT, there's a plagiarised version off youtube.... even if I'm pretty sure he filmed it illegally. It seemed a lot cooler when you were there though. You can still get a pretty good idea.

Another thing they did was take the conceptual art and make it into a 3d cinematic experience type thing. Imagine travelling into a painting (with a soundtrack!) It's crazy the amount of effort that goes into making 1 cartoon. They do studies on every single thing - the colours of the leaves, the design of the stem, the thickness of each hair! Madness! But brilliance too.

It's a real Porsche!

It looks like Sulley's gonna swipe Aaron and Mike is groping my ass. Family fun all around!
My, what a big.... Ball?
Hhhhmm.... why yes indeedy do.
They were also showing Ratatouille for only 5 bucks so we went to watch that. I like! Especially when there are many little children around - so cute lah! I had a better appreciation of it because of all the drawings and sketchings and models we just saw. I kowtow to you, Mr. Pixar man. =) Would encourage people to go but today's the last day - so at least think of all the work that goes into the cartoon next time you watch one. I want to rewatch Monsters Inc now!

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