Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Day Three... Shoot Me

Has it only been three days?
Today's brilliant accomplishments - i learned how to send a fax, using the photocopier. Nopes. not mad. tis true! the amazing things we have nowadays. and i got my internet set up! WhooPee! little did i know that you can find absolutely NO statistics on government websites (which made me fail my first research task miserably) spent the rest of the day surfing aimlessly on the net.
oh, the little funny stories that inevitably crop up in my life: my shoes started crumbling! haha.. literally. i was wearing mummy's old shoes (i didn't know HOW old... somewhere in the region of 5 to 10 years!). so i suddenly realise there's black rubble under my desk. and then i realise it's from my shoes. and then i realise there's a trail leading up to my desk of black rubble. haha.. thank goodness for the carpeted office area cos outside, on the tiles, the shoes squeak.
anyhow, whole chunks of my heel were coming off, which was especially hilarious when i went out for lunch (thanks kenny) and left a big chunk of heel outside the coffee shop. EMBARRASSING! not to mention i still had half a day at work hobbling with one flat shoe and one shoe with a heel.
other than that. i did absolutely nothing at work. it's so boring. i rather be outside doing ANYTHING else. having messenger doesn't help when everyone tells you they're going somewhere. *sigh* i really do feel like quitting. i think i'm not so cut out for a 9 to 5 job. haha. as people who know me probably think too.
still hoping something comes up to do. until then, the *thud* *thud* *thud* is me banging my head on the table.
sms count: 12 (i have msn now!)
times mail was checked: 15
crosswords done: 8
floor space covered in black rubble:

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