Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Goyang goyang kaki... kerja macam ini...

Day two of my OrdEaL.
i'm being paid rm 3 an hour (omg. that's 1 AUD) to read a book (my own), listen to my ipod (which died on me btw.. dammit, shall bring my charger to work), goyang kaki and erm... drink free milo!
i did my first little bit of officey non-secretarial work tho. was told to calculate some figures by merely dividing a set of numbers from another. so i entered the data into a spreadsheet, made another column
with the formulae and created charts and graphs. then i asked her if she wanted the line graph or the bar chart, and my colleague says "oh, just copy down the figures and pass to me" *DuSh* pengsan.. waste my nice excel work. oh well.
erm.. yeah, that was pretty much my work all day. and then waiting for my computer. which i still don't have internet access on.
SMS count: 22
iPod Battery Life : 2 hours
Books bound : 1
Days left: 33

p.s: thanks cousin ben for the piccy. haha flattering.

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