Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Truth About Pigs

After resurrecting my love for Doctor Dolittle and igniting a passion for a pig in the story named Gub-Gub in a friend of mine, i am inclined to dispel some deepset stereotypes about these cute little creatures with a little help from the Global Action Network.

  • Pigs are CLEAN. They are always thought of as dirty animals but happen to be one of the cleanest in the world! Given the space, they would rather separate pooing areas from sleeping areas.

  • Pigs are INTELLIGENT. Which wouldn't be so hard to believe knowing they have pretty similar DNA strains to humans. That's is why we use them for cloning experiments. But pigs have been said to be easier to train than dogs and cats, and have even been used in drug detection.

  • Pigs DO NOT SWEAT. Aha! Bet you didn't know this one. Yes, the old phrase Sweating like a pig was Wrong! 'cos that would mean you don't sweat at all. Pigs have No sweat glands and therefore cool themselves off by having a little wallow in the mud. The evaporating water keeps them cool (clever fellas) kind of like how you feel cold after going into the sea and then get blown by the wind.
  • Pigs have a GOOD SENSE of SMELL. erm.. well, i never really doubted this. But maybe you didn't know that they're used for truffle-hunting. Would be funny if that meant they burst into supermarkets scoffing down chocolates, but truffles are a kind of mushroom that are uber expensive (delicacies) and grow underground. Takes a good piggy's nose to find them!
  • Pigs love EXERCISE and are SOCIABLE.
  • George Clooney owns a pot-bellied pig called MAX (lookie.. piccy under this!)
  • I AM A PIG!
i think pigs are adorable, and they'd make great pets! Kind of in the wrong country to say, but oh well, freedom of speech! And for those who haven't read Doctor Dolittle (which is shockingly quite a number) you can find his books online here! The fact they're free (yes, you kiasu people) is both a shame but also good! I really don't know why he's not more popular. Enjoy though! Reading it tonight cheered me up a lot.

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