Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Boxing Day

Christmas is OvEr. I think it had the least hype leading up to it (except for my incessant pining for turkey) but i must say it was enjoyable indeed. Spent in the company of friends, and with the least present-hunting done beforehand, i really do believe that there is some joy to be derived from giving. Yesterday I walked around and spotted the most random little items that I thought were of a reasonable price, and if they reminded me of someone, I bought it for them. Simple as that. You can be surprised the things you can find in Big Bookshop and Toys R Us. Yes, the perils of living right opposite them.
But I derived joy in finding people presents (my motive was NOT to make them feel bad about not giving anything in return) and then giving it to them. Heehee.. the fact that most of the items were TOYS had no relation whatsoever to my recent childhood nostalgia. *ponder*
Anyway, good times, great company, merry christmas!

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