Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Ongoing Adventures of Jeannie and the Wonderful World of Work

It's my first day at work. well, official work. the kind where you need to wear shirts, and skirts, and if you can be bothered, stockings. i've decided i don't like office shoes. Those covered toe kinds where your feet get all clammy and they always look aunty. ALWAYS. putting them on reminded me of childhood days when you'd pull on mummy's shoulder padded shirts (it was the 80s!) and clonk around in her big shoes which are 4 sizes too big. oh, did i mention the obligatory smear of blood red lipstick? aaahhh.. those were the days.
back to my point. holidays were never meant to have 6.30 am wake up calls. i guess that means my holiday's over. seeing as i have to work til the day before i fly. ok. my holiday is definitely over.
Arrive at work early, get shown around, make friendly conversation, fail at friendly conversation, share the anxious looks of other interns, get shown around the office, get thrown to my head of department. and yes, there's still a full day ahead.
they tell me i can start researching when my computer arrives. guess what? i bet it won't be there tomorrow 'cos it sure as hell wasn't there today (when i left). 2 pm and i had gone for lunch, explored the drinks machine and read the report 2 times over. i felt like i'd been in that office forEVER. my most productive hours of the day were ahead. 2 hours of binding and 2 hours of photocopying. life doesn't get much better. plus, you'll never appreciate how great it is to sit til you've been standing bent over a binding machine in HEELS for 2 hours.
oh well, at least everyone was friendly and i know i don't quite like the corporate scene. but i have 34 days to convince me otherwise.
and yes, i am counting.

me after work...
sms count: 15
milo count: 2
pages photocopied and bound:

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