Friday, December 16, 2005

Swear Jar in School!

As I progress through my morning paper, the world just becomes more and more absurd.
Some schools in Connecticut are implementing fines for students who swear. (How about THAT eddie?) What happened to the conventional wash your mouth out with soap?
You haven't seen how much the fine is though, $103. yes, that's in US dollars. RM 390! How many roti telurs can you buy with that?!?!? and just about 45 Egg Chiffon rice from A1! Ouch. That's over 70 Happy Meals...
The penalty for not paying your fine? You'll have to appear in court on the basis of "creating a public disturbance". Oh my f*cking lord. Oops. there goes $103.
Let's hope Malaysian policemen don't catch wind of this. In a nation of corrupt cops and multilingual cussing, well, you get my drift.
This whole "public disturbance" charge is rather.. well, disturbing.

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