Thursday, November 09, 2006

10 hours in the library...

and i'm not even studying. WHAT THE HECK!?!?
anyway, i was actually working. reading up and taking notes about the Palestinian Intifada for my next essay due Tuesday. I wonder if it was wise choosing a subject i know absolutely nothing about.
Anyway, i've been trying to read up more of the Palestinian's point of view so maybe i've formed a bias opinion, but does the whole Israel marching in and imposing martial law thing sound a little undemocratic to you at all? i mean, isn't that really a dictatorship, or bullying?
They've only got tanks and an army as opposed to the stones and families of the Palestinians.
the world's unfair. so some people have bigger things to worry about than essays.
but i can't do anything about it right now... except write an essay.
and keep going to the library so i can read their 2 hour loan books. frustrating.

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