Sunday, November 12, 2006

What if?

For some reason or other, the question seems to pose itself to me. Isn't it funny, how one can go about life, and at every turn, reflect and ask, What If?
How different my life would be had i taken a different IF when it mattered.
What if i had chosen not to come back from England?
What if i had started college as soon as i got back rather than waited an extra half year?
What if i had gone to SAM or A-Levels instead of CPU?
What if i had decided to move in with Nat straight away, rather than stay in IH?
What if i had chosen engineering? or Science? or Commerce? or even Psych?
What if he wasn't so far away?
What if there was a chance, maybe?
Too many What Ifs... Yet the only way you can dispel them is by asking Why Not?
so.. Why Not take the chance?
haha.. i just might.

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