Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Musings of Time

I realise blogs have the most meaning when you are procrastinating from something. Now that I have all the time in the world to write something meaningful, I don't. Figure that's how life passes us by. Don't set your heart to something and you just won't be bothered - til something forces you to anyway. (e.g. resume-writing/updating... haha.. thanks tish, i did it today!)
I remember there were things i wanted to write about... what i can't remember is what they are. *sigh*
How about how Wednesdays are the middle day of the week. If you're working and have the weekend to look forward to, Wednesdays seem to be greeted with a "Oh dear, is it ONLY the middle of the week? So far to go to the weekend"
But if (like me most times) you have a deadline to meet on the following Monday (i.e. essays), Wednesdays are greeted with a "Oh Crap! It's already the middle of the week! Shit shit shit!"
Sound familiar? We're all guilty of it... Glass half-full/half-empty syndrome.
It's like how time passes really slow when you want it to go fast, and vice versa.. Why!?!?
It's a mental perception thing, right? But even if, by some strange inexplicable science fiction-esque fact of life, a second lasts longer at some moments than it does in others, but is recorded as the same nonetheless - we'd never know! Just depends on how much you trust your watch i suppose.
Mmmmm.... Time - immortal, endless, forever running - too fast and too slow and not at all - and something that damien seems to have too much of. Haha.. That wasn't the climax of this post... But it's true though. All pondering (and rambling) ends in friends. =)
Logic ends at 3 am. 'Tis now close to 4. To bed with me... thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

Yeah i's just human nature. For example, when I was having exams I always look forward to the end of it..But it's over now and I'm complaining that I'm bored. Life sucks...

Jeannie said...

haha.. damien..
i recommend the second hand bookstore next to mark's pizza, or baking. Good time-consuming, satisfying activity. Be a Borders bookstore slut. They don't chase you out anyway. =)